
Namespace: ScriptLinkStandard.Objects

Assemblies: ScriptLinkStandard.dll

Defines the FormObject used with the OptionObject2015, OptionObject2, OptionObject. Provides methods for creating and manipulating FormObject objects.

public class FormObject : IEquatable<FormObject>, IFormObject

Implements IEquatable<T>, IFormObject


Most implementations would not require working with the FormObject directly, however here is an example that uses the FormObject to create an OptionObject2015 for Unit Testing.

public void GetMyFieldValue_Returns_Y()
  // Arrange
  // This script is expected to return the ErrorCode "3" and the value "Y" in the ErrorMesg.
  string expected = "Y";
  // Initiate script to Test (based on the IScriptLink interface)
  GetMyFieldValueScript script = new GetMyFieldValueScript();
  string parameter = "";
  // Create OptionObject2015
  FieldObject fieldObject = new FieldObject("123.45", expected);
  RowObject rowObject = new RowObject("1||1");
  FormObject formObject = new FormObject("1", rowObject);
  OptionObject2015 optionObject2015 = new optionObject2015
    EntityID = "123456",
    EpisodeNumber = "2",
    Facility = "1",
    NamespaceName = "AVPM",
    OptionId = "USER00",
    ParentNamespace = "AVPM",
    ServerName = "AV01",
    SystemCode = "UAT",
    SessionToken = "a2s3d4f5g6"
  // Act
  OptionObject2015 returnOptionObject = script.ProcessScript(optionObject, parameter);
  // Assert
  Assert.AreEqual("3", returnOptionObject.ErrorCode);
  Assert.AreEqual(expected, returnOptionObject.ErrorMesg);


Property Description
CurrentRow Gets or sets the CurrentRow value.
FormId Gets or Sets the FormId value.
MultipleIteration Gets or sets the MultipleIteration value. Cannot be true for the first FormObject in an OptionObject2015, OptionObject2, or OptionObject.
OtherRows Gets or set the OtherRows value. Only used when MultipleIteration equals true.


Method Description
AddRowObject(RowObject) Adds a RowObject to a the FormObject.
AddRowObject(string, string) Adds a RowObject to a FormObject using supplied RowId and ParentRowId.
AddRowObject(string, string, string) Adds a RowObject to a FormObject using supplied RowId and ParentRowId and setting the RowAction.
Clone() Creates a copy of the FormObject.
DeleteRowObject(RowObject) Removes a RowObject from a FormObject.
DeleteRowObject(string) Removes a RowObject from a FormObject by RowId.
GetCurrentRowId() Returns the ID of the RowObject in the CurrentRow of a FormObject.
GetFieldValue(string) Returns the FieldValue of a FieldObject in a FormObject by FieldNumber.
GetFieldValue(string, string) Returns the FieldValue of a FieldObject in a FormObject by RowId and FieldNumber.
GetFieldValues(string) Returns a List of FieldValues in a FormObject by FieldNumber.
GetNextAvailableRowId() Returns the next available RowId for the FormObject.
GetParentRowId() Returns the ParentRowId of the FormObject.CurrentRow.
IsFieldEnabled(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a FormObject is enabled by FieldNumber.
IsFieldLocked(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a FormObject is locked by FieldNumber.
IsFieldPresent(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a FormObject is present by FieldNumber.
IsFieldRequired(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a FormObject is required by FieldNumber.
IsRowMarkedForDeletion(string) Returns whether a RowObject in a FormObject is marked for deletion by RowId.
IsRowPresent(string) Returns whether a RowObject in a FormObject is present by RowId.
SetDisabledFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a FormObject as disabled by FieldNumbers.
SetDisabledFields(string) Sets the FieldObjects in a FormObject as disabled by FieldNumber. If FieldObject is in a multiple iteration FormObject then all occurances will be set as disabled.
SetFieldValue(string, string) Sets the FieldValue of a FieldObject in the FormObject.CurrentRow by FieldNumber.
SetFieldValue(string, string, string) Sets the FieldValue a FieldObject in the FormObject by RowId and FieldNumber.
SetLockedFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a FormObject as locked by FieldNumbers.
SetLockedFields(string) Sets the FieldObjects in a FormObject as locked by FieldNumber. If FieldObject is in a multiple iteration FormObject then all occurances will be set as locked.
SetOptionalFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a FormObject as enabled and not required by FieldNumbers.
SetOptionalFields(string) Sets the FieldObjects in a FormObject as enabled and not required by FieldNumber. If FieldObject is in a multiple iteration FormObject then all occurances will be set as enabled and not required.
SetRequiredFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a FormObject as enabled and required by FieldNumbers.
SetRequiredFields(string) Sets the FieldObjects in a FormObject as enabled and required by FieldNumber. If FieldObject is in a multiple iteration FormObject then all occurances will be set as enabled and required.
SetUnlockedFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a FormObject as unlocked by FieldNumbers.
SetUnlockedFields(string) Sets the FieldObjects in a FormObject as unlocked by FieldNumber. If FieldObject is in a multiple iteration FormObject then all occurances will be set as unlocked.
ToHtmlString(bool) Returns the FormObject as an HTML string. The <html>, <head>, and <body> tags can be included if desired.
ToJson() Returns the FormObject as a JSON string.
ToXml() Returns the FormObject as an XML string.

Explicit Interface Implementations

Implementation Description
IEquatable.Equals(Object) Determines whether an object is equal to the current instance.
IEquatable.GetHashCode Returns a hash code for the current instance.

See Also