
Namespace: ScriptLinkStandard.Objects

Assemblies: ScriptLinkStandard.dll

Defines the web service contract for use with myAvatar ScriptLink. Provides methods creating, manipulating, and searching OptionObject2 objects.

public class OptionObject2 : IEquatable<OptionObject2>, IOptionObject2

Implements IEquatable<T>, IOptionObject2


The following code shows how to use OptionObject2 to construct a web service compatible with myAvatar.

using ScriptLinkStandard.Objects;
using System.Web.Services;

namespace ScriptLinkDemo.Web.Api
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for ScriptLinkController
    /// </summary>
    [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
    public class ScriptLinkController : System.Web.Services.WebService
        public string GetVersion()
            return "v.0.0.1";

        public OptionObject2 RunScript(OptionObject2 optionObject2, string parameters)
            return optionObject2.ToReturnOptionObject(3, "Hello, World!");


OptionObject2 has been superceded by OptionObject2015.

OptionObject2 is a subsequent definition of the OptionObject for use with myAvatar. It adds the NamespaceName, ParentNamespace, and ServerName properties.


Property Description
EntityID Gets or sets the EntityID value.
EpisodeNumber Gets or sets the EpisodeNumber value.
ErrorCode Gets or sets the ErrorCode value.
ErrorMesg Gets or sets the ErrorMesg value.
Facility Gets or sets the Facility value.
Forms Gets or sets the List value.
NamespaceName Gets or sets the NamespaceName value.
OptionId Gets or sets the OptionId value.
OptionStaffId Gets or sets the OptionStaffId value.
OptionUserId Gets or sets the OptionUserId value.
ParentNamespace Gets or sets the ParentNamespace value.
ServerName Gets or sets the ServerName value.
SystemCode Gets or sets the SystemCode value.


Method Description
AddFormObject(FormObject) Adds a FormObject to the OptionObject2.
AddFormObject(string, bool) Creates a FormObject with specified FormId and adds to the OptionObject2. The second parameter specifies whether the FormObject should be flagged as a Multiple Iteration form.
AddRowObject(string, RowObject) Adds a RowObject to the FormObject with the specified FormId.
Clone Creates a deep copy of the OptionObject2.
DeleteRowObject(RowObject) Removes the RowObject from the OptionObject2.
DeleteRowObject(string) Removes a RowObject from the OptionObject2 by specified RowId.
DisableAllFieldObjects Sets all FieldObjects in the OptionObject2 to disabled.
DisableAllFieldObjects(List) Sets all FieldObjects in the OptionObject2 to disabled, except for the FieldNumbers specified in List.
GetCurrentRowId(string) Gets the CurrentRow.RowId of the FormObject in the OptionObject2 by FormId.
GetFieldValue(string) Gets the FieldValue of a specified FieldObject in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
GetFieldValue(string, string, string) Gets the FieldValue of a specified FieldObject in the OptionObject2 by FormId, RowId, and FieldNumber.
GetFieldValues(string) Returns a list of FieldValues of a specified FieldObject in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
GetMultipleIterationStatus(string) Returns whether a FormObject in the OptionObject2 is Multiple Iteration by specified FormId.
GetParentRowId(string) Returns the ParentRowId of a FormObject in the OptionObject2 by FormId.
IsFieldEnabled(string) Returns whether the FieldObject in the OptionObject2 is enabled by FieldNumber.
IsFieldLocked(string) Returns whether the FieldObject in the OptionObject2 is locked by FieldNumber.
IsFieldPresent(string) Returns whether the FieldObject in the OptionObject2 is present by FieldNumber.
IsFieldRequired(string) Returns whether the FieldObject in the OptionObject2 is required by FieldNumber.
IsFormPresent(string) Returns whether the FormObject in the OptionObject2 is present by FormId.
IsRowMarkedForDeletion(string) Returns whether the RowObject in the OptionObject2 is marked for deletion by RowId.
IsRowPresent(string) Returns whether the RowObject in the OptionObject2 is present by RowId.
SetDisabledField(string) Sets the specified FieldObject as disabled in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetDisabledFields(List) Sets the specified FieldObjects as disabled in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetFieldValue(string, string) Sets a FieldValue by FieldNumber in the OptionObject2.
SetFieldValue(string, string, string, string) Sets a FieldValue by FormId, RowId, and FieldNumber in the OptionObject2.
SetLockedField(string) Sets the specified FieldObject as locked in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetLockedFields(List) Sets the specified FieldObjects as locked in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetOptionalField(string) Sets the specified FieldObject as optional (enabled, not required) in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetOptionalFields(List) Sets the specified FieldObjects as optional (enabled, not required) in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetRequiredField(string) Sets the specified FieldObject as required in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetRequiredFields(List) Sets the specified FieldObjects as required in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetUnlockedField(string) Sets the specified FieldObject as unlocked in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
SetUnlockedFields(List) Sets the specified FieldObjects as unlocked in the OptionObject2 by FieldNumber.
ToHtmlString(bool) Returns the OptionObject2 as an HTML string. The <html>, <head>, and <body> tags can be included if desired.
ToJson Returns the OptionObject2 as a JSON string.
ToOptionObject Returns a copy of the OptionObject2 as an OptionObject.
ToOptionObject2015 Returns a copy of the OptionObject2 as an OptionObject2015.
ToReturnOptionObject Creates and returns the returnOptionObject with all required properties and modified values.
ToReturnOptionObject(int, string) Creates and returns the returnOptionObject with all required properties and modified values and specified the ErrorCode and ErrorMesg.
ToXml() Returns the OptionObject2 as an XML string.

Explicit Interface Implementations

Implementation Description
IEquatable.Equals(Object) Determines whether an object is equal to the current instance.
IEquatable.GetHashCode Returns a hash code for the current instance.

See Also