
Namespace: ScriptLinkStandard.Objects

Assemblies: ScriptLinkStandard.dll

Defines the RowObject used with the OptionObject2015, OptionObject2, OptionObject. Provides methods for creating and manipulating RowObject objects.

public class RowObject : IEquatable<RowObject>, IRowObject

Implements IEquatable<T>, IRowObject


Most implementations would not require working with the RowObject directly, however here is an example that uses the RowObject to create an OptionObject2015 for Unit Testing.

public void GetMyFieldValue_Returns_Y()
  // Arrange
  // This script is expected to return the ErrorCode "3" and the value "Y" in the ErrorMesg.
  string expected = "Y";
  // Initiate script to Test (based on the IScriptLink interface)
  GetMyFieldValueScript script = new GetMyFieldValueScript();
  string parameter = "";
  // Create OptionObject2015
  FieldObject fieldObject = new FieldObject("123.45", expected);
  RowObject rowObject = new RowObject("1||1");
  FormObject formObject = new FormObject("1", rowObject);
  OptionObject2015 optionObject2015 = new optionObject2015
    EntityID = "123456",
    EpisodeNumber = "2",
    Facility = "1",
    NamespaceName = "AVPM",
    OptionId = "USER00",
    ParentNamespace = "AVPM",
    ServerName = "AV01",
    SystemCode = "UAT",
    SessionToken = "a2s3d4f5g6"
  // Act
  OptionObject2015 returnOptionObject = script.ProcessScript(optionObject, parameter);
  // Assert
  Assert.AreEqual("3", returnOptionObject.ErrorCode);
  Assert.AreEqual(expected, returnOptionObject.ErrorMesg);


Property Description
Fields Gets or sets the Fields value.
ParentRowId Gets or Sets the ParentRowId value.
RowAction Gets or sets the RowAction value. The supported case-sensitive values are blank, ADD, EDIT, and DELETE.
RowId Gets or set the RowId value.


Method Description
AddFieldObject(FieldObject) Adds a FieldObject to a the RowObject.
AddFieldObject(string, string) Adds a FieldObject to a RowObject using supplied FieldNumber and FieldValue.
AddFieldObject(string, string, string, string, string) Adds a FieldObject to a RowObject using supplied FieldNumber and FieldValue and setting the Enabled, Locked, and Required values (e.g., Y or N).
AddFieldObject(string, string, bool, bool, bool) Adds a FieldObject to a RowObject using supplied FieldNumber and FieldValue and setting the Enabled, Locked, and Required values.
Clone() Creates a copy of the RowObject.
GetFieldValue(string) Returns the FieldValue of a FieldObject in a RowObject by FieldNumber.
IsFieldEnabled(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a RowObject is enabled by FieldNumber.
IsFieldLocked(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a RowObject is locked by FieldNumber.
IsFieldPresent(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a RowObject is present by FieldNumber.
IsFieldRequired(string) Returns whether a FieldObject in a RowObject is required by FieldNumber.
RemoveFieldObject(FieldObject) Removes a FieldObject from a RowObject.
RemoveFieldObject(string) Removes a FieldObject from a RowObject by FieldNumber.
RemoveUnmodifiedFieldObjects() Removes FieldObjects from RowObject that have not been modified.
SetDisabledField(string) Sets the FieldObject in a RowObject as disabled by FieldNumber.
SetDisabledFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a RowObject as disabled by FieldNumbers.
SetFieldValue(string, string) Sets the FieldValue of a FieldObject in the RowObject by FieldNumber.
SetLockedField(string) Sets the FieldObject in a RowObject as locked by FieldNumber.
SetLockedFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a RowObject as locked by FieldNumbers.
SetOptionalField(string) Sets the FieldObject in a RowObject as enabled and not required by FieldNumber.
SetOptionalFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a RowObject as enabled and not required by FieldNumbers.
SetRequiredField(string) Sets the FieldObject in a RowObject as enabled and required by FieldNumber.
SetRequiredFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a RowObject as enabled and required by FieldNumbers.
SetUnlockedField(string) Sets the FieldObject in a RowObject as unlocked by FieldNumber.
SetUnlockedFields(List<string>) Sets FieldObjects in a RowObject as unlocked by FieldNumbers.
ToHtmlString(bool) Returns the RowObject as an HTML string. The <html>, <head>, and <body> tags can be included if desired.
ToJson() Returns the RowObject as a JSON string.
ToXml() Returns the RowObject as an XML string.

Explicit Interface Implementations

Implementation Description
IEquatable.Equals(Object) Determines whether an object is equal to the current instance.
IEquatable.GetHashCode Returns a hash code for the current instance.

See Also